Yesssss, I know I used the dreaded word "salad" twice, but it's just that GOOD. And well, it's chicken salad on a bed of greens, so you get twice the salad-ness. It's super yummy. I make a big batch on Sunday Prep Day, and I have lunch and a quick snack for the week. Enjoy! Chicken Salad Salad
Avocreamy DressingThis recipe is a staple while I'm on the Whole30 program and even occasionally when I am just practicing lightening up my diet. It's yummy, easy, and a hit with the family!
This post contains affiliate links. January 7th kicks off my next Whole30 Challenge. It's a good time to "reset", and eliminate some bad, bad mama jamas in my diet. What's the worst of the list below? Sugar Alcohol Grains Dairy Sodas Truth is what has the worst impact on me may be different than what is the worst for you. With fad diets today all the bad stuff kind of gets lumped together and it can be difficult to get clarity about how different foods affect you. That's where Whole30 is different. Eliminate them all and then reintroduce them slowly after the 30 days one at a time. You will CLEARLY see (feel) what is your poison. Also, it feels so good to clean out your system. Your body is a machine. To be blunt if you feed it junk, you will feel like a junky piece of worn down jalopy. (- - -> ME <- - -) But when you feed the machine clean, wholesome nutrition, it's amazing how those strange aches and pains, those random breakouts, those bouts of extreme exhaustion all disappear. GONE. VANISH. COMPLETELY CEASE TO EXIST. You can feed yourself healthy. You can get yourself off medication for some of your health ailments by cutting the crap. Check out the Whole30 book here and website here for more of the scientific explanation of why and how this can happen and for real people testimonials. Also check out the book reviews on Here are some quick links and options to Whole30 Meal Plans, including my 4 week plan of attack with a husband and two toddlers who don't fully subscribe to the Whole30 plan. 1. Here's my 4 week meal plan for me and my family. It's so nice to have this planning out of the way! Planning in advance is the KEY to completing the Whole30 Challenge.
2. I couldn't live without Tessamae's dressings and sauces on my Whole30 journey. Their mayo (which I cannot find at the moment but you can make a good homemade version) was a staple for my deviled eggs. These little snacks got us over some serious humps. Bonus: On their website you can sign up for weekly meal plans delivered to your inbox. It comes nicely formatted in a google doc with a shopping list. CONVENIENT! 3. Our Paleo Life has gotten me through many a recipe bah-hum-bug nights. Check out their Whole30 4 week meal plans here - lots of options! 4. The Busy Person's Whole30 Meal Plan - This one is realistic. Busy? On a budget? Check this one out. 5. Nom Nom Paleo is HUGE in this game. There's an app, a well-organized website, and she's also just kind of awesome. I've followed Michelle Tam for years when first exploring Paleo recipes. This is MORE than enough to get you through 30 days of the #JanuaryWhole30 challenge. But if it still seems overwhelming remember this...just keep your plate simple - meat and veggies. It doesn't take much planning to whip up a chicken breast, fish fillet or steak paired with a can of green beans or a baked sweet potato. Still doesn't sound appealing? Trust me that your attitude will change at the end of 30 days. You will feel amazingly clear headed and completely recharged! Leave me a comment and let me know your favorite recipes and what you are most looking forward to about #Whole30January Challenge! Well wishes, friends! |
What's Whole30?It's a dietary reset button. It's 30 days of eliminating sugar, grains, and dairy. Eat simple. Eat clean. Learn about what foods trigger your ailments. For more info, check out the book here.
What's Paleo?The paleo diet is more of a lifestyle that is sustainable. Choose whole, simple foods. Check out this book with meal plans for more info.